No matter how easy your website is to navigate or how clean the user experience (UX) is, an on-site search function is vital. Your site visitors want a direct way to find exactly what they want. On-site search is more than a search box; it’s an essential aspect of how […]

Walker, the former football player turned businessman, and his technology company 34 Technologies in 2012 partnered with Momentis, a multi-level marketing subsidiary of Just Energy, to sell an online marketing service. Walker’s partnership with the subsidiary and the online marketing service they sold does not appear to have been targeted […]

Whether you’re managing a car and truck dealership, a tire shop, or any other type of automotive business, search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial ingredient in every impactful marketing campaign. In fact, digital marketing spending now outpaces conventional advertising in many industries, including automotive. Since 2015, automotive marketing experts […]

Their design is archetypal. Their position on the page is seemingly obvious. For years they have proven their value for SEO. And yet, as we have moved to mobile-first indexing, many sites get breadcrumb navigation wrong or have no breadcrumb trail at all. That is a mistake. Breadcrumbs are beneficial […]

Google constantly updates its algorithm. This year alone, they’ve announced 12 significant updates. But, of course, it doesn’t include the hundreds of minor updates Google has made to its search engine. Could these updates affect the performance of your landing pages? Absolutely. Adjusting to these constant changes is about more […]