Website Design Mistakes That Can Cost Conversions

Building a website is an integral component of business success. People often forget just how effective a good website can be at converting interest into real sales. But far too often, people make mistakes in their website design that can easily be avoided with the right approach. So in this post, we’re going to take a look at some of the fundamental mistakes people make when creating a website that eventually loses sales.

Not advertising your website

It’s naive to think that your website won’t need a single bit of marketing. Sure, you might become an incredibly popular business thanks to word of mouth, but the reality is that you need a pay per click agency, a search engine optimization expert, and other marketing specialists to help you get your website noticed.

If your website isn’t showing up in Google search results, then you need to fix that as soon as possible. Start looking at how to market your business and make sure you’re not overlooking this important step.

Forgetting to actually test your website on consumer devices

Most people test their website on the same device that they make it. In many cases, this means testing it in the same browser that it’s designed in. This is perfectly fine for desktop testing, but you could potentially miss out on bugs or issues that laptop, smartphone, and even tablet users might experience.

Make sure you test your website on a variety of consumer devices, especially a range of different smartphones and browsers. This ensures that your website works for a large majority of people which ultimately leads to more sales. If your website doesn’t work correctly or has errors on certain browsers, then you’re going to lose customers since they’ll look for a competitor instead.

Focusing too much on the design

A well-designed website stands out, but most people don’t go to a website to marvel at its design. Most people visit a website because they’re looking for information, a product, or a service. So as long as your website provides this and the design isn’t an eyesore, you’ll be able to attract customers.

It’s generally not worth investing a lot of money into the design of your pages if you don’t have any website content. Focus on providing value first and then consider the design afterward.

Neglecting to add your contact information

A surprisingly basic yet fixable mistake is forgetting to add your contact information to your website. Make absolutely sure that you have a contact page with your address, phone number, email, and other relevant information. However, you also need to remember to have a live chat service, social media pages, or other forms of contact that your customers can use to get in touch.

So while building a website is incredibly easy these days, there are still many fundamentals that you have to think about in order to create a usable site. These aspects are second nature to people that have experience in web design, but for entrepreneurs that are making their own websites, these are important lessons to learn.

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The Balancing Act Between Eye Health and Increasing Technology in Classrooms

Wed Apr 27 , 2022
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The Balancing Act Between Eye Health and Increasing Technology in Classrooms

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